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The Benefits of a Replacement GeW UV Lamp

The Benefits of a Replacement GeW UV Lamp

  • Tuesday, 17 December 2024
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The Benefits of a Replacement GeW UV Lamp

If your UV system is producing less than ideal results, a replacement gew uv lamp could be just what you need to get things back on track.replacement gew uv lamp These specialised lamps are manufactured to provide the correct wavelengths of light for your specific application and work with all GEW LED systems. They are also available in a variety of sizes to match different wattages, with each offering a unique range of performance benefits for your printing or curing process.

Like all light bulbs, your UV lamps will eventually reach the end of their lifespan.replacement gew uv lamp Running them past this point will cause them to lose their germicidal power by about 15 percent each year, meaning that they will not be able to produce enough UV-C radiation to neutralise bacteria and mould growth. In addition, running them beyond this point will waste energy and may even damage the ballast and bulbs.

In contrast, GEW UV LED lamps are designed to offer a much longer life span and a significantly reduced environmental impact when compared to mercury arc lamps.replacement gew uv lamp This is a key benefit for manufacturers looking to improve their sustainability credentials while maximising performance on their existing print equipment.

Depending on the type of curing system you use, your GEW lamps can be air, water or nitrogen cooled. This cooling is critical for ensuring uniform, stable and long-term output, and a safe operation that avoids overheating.

For most printing and converting applications, the most popular GEW product is the AeroLED UV LED system. This features the same LED chassis and core components as GEW’s LeoLED system, so you can enjoy proven reliability straight out of the box. Cool, filtered air is directed from a single central fan sited away from the machine and blown through a series of ducts that run the length of the line. This approach eliminates problems caused by ink mist or dust ingress and reduces maintenance time by avoiding the need for integrated fans inside each lamphead.

As well as providing a high level of UV intensity and dose, the system also provides continuous inline measurement of UV output. This enables accurate, online UV inspection and unparalleled control over the curing process. This is a major improvement over traditional mercury arc systems that require regular offline testing and calibration.

GEW also offers a full range of accessories, control and power supplies to suit your specific needs. From bespoke inline sensors to industry 4.0 approved remote monitoring, these products can be seamlessly integrated by GEW into your system for optimal operation.

GEW can retrofit all types of printing and curing systems, including both mercury arc and UV LED curing. This allows companies to refresh an aging press, increase production speed and capacity, or switch to lower migration inks for new markets. GEW systems are used by some of the world’s leading label and narrow web printers, such as Phenix Label in Kansas who operate four ArcLED hybrid curing systems on their Aquaflex presses.

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